Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Luke, you are an idiot

So, one of my favorite past times is making fun of people who annoy me. I know it's cruel and viscious, and eventually someone will do that to me, but in the meantime, leave me the fuck alone.

This morning was a prime example. I was driving to work on I-70, when suddenly some jackass swerves right in front of me. Apparently he was switching lanes while having a seizure at the same time. That's the only excuse I could imagine that would require him to jerk the fucking wheel in order to switch lanes.

With his tail end in my sites, I could not help but notice his screen print of Darth Vadar and the Death Star on his tailgate.

Great, a Star Wars nerd who can't drive and apparently has epileptic seizures. Of course, I had to pass.

But as I calmly switched lanes and sped ahead, I also noticed a sticker for the Galactic Alliance on his back window. Wow, this guy is obviously an idiot.

Anyone worth their muster knows that Darth Vadar and the Emperor are the sworn enemies of the Galactic Alliance, and the Death Star is one of their primary means of destruction. Just ask Princess Leia after her peace-loving planet Alderaan was destroyed with one blast from the Death Star. Having both emblems on the same car is a slap in the face to all the brave Jedi who died in the fight for freedom throughout the universe.

If you're going to be a dumbass and have that on your car, for Chrissakes, at least be a nerd with knowledge!

Damn, I am so thankful that I am not a geek.

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