Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Can love be this big?

First, an apology. I have been a tad overwhelmed at the yet-to-be-named large tax prepartion company of late and have not updated. You may have read some things in the news.

I, of course, have no comment. However, I did help create many comments which will circulate wildly through the media, at least until something more entertaining comes along, such as Brittany Spears dangling her baby out of the window, or President Bush voluntarily resigning his postion before he does more damage to your constitutional freedoms. Ok, that last one is just wishful thinking.

In the meantime, I did watch the season premier of the Sopranos, of which I am a rabid fan. It was thrilling and I can't wait for next week.

I also caught the series premier of Big Love. I'm not so sure about this show. It's pretty bland on the surface: A man (obviously mentally ill) has three wives, to whom he provides support, little affection and even less attention. They all get their own house, again that he pays for, and in exchange they get to fight with each other over bills, sex, time with their husband and the general difference of opinion that all women will have. What the fuck? This is a good thing?

The underlying subtext is that this whole arrangement is highly illegal. Bill cannot legally claim his other two wives and it's just fucking weird. There's a "compound" with a "prophet" who is involved in their lives and who also just married a 14-year-old girl -- just not legally, of course.

I'm not so sure about this show. It has potential, but it didn't grab me like the premier of Six Feet Under (the loss of which I am still in mourning.)

But on the plus side, I did catch a glimpse of Bill Paxton's dickie-boy. There is hope yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you, read Under the Banner of Heaven...