Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I ain't one to gossip

So, I heard a rumor the other day that I had to resolve. The rumor was that the enigmatic Smashing Pumkins were reuniting.

Now if you were not paying attention in the 90s, or you were too swaddled in your baggy pants, Doc Martens and flannel, you might have missed this fabulous band. Pearl Jam, they are not.

Since they walked off the music scene in 2000, their strident fans have been whispering of a reunion. Billy Corgan has released albums with his other band Zwan, and his latest solo album. But none of it ever had the spark of Gish or Siamese Dreams.

The return of this band could signal a much needed shift in our current music cultural -- a shift that should have been spurred by bands such as Audioslave and Foo Fighters last year. A move away from floppy-hair singers who all want to be the next Strokes and Interpol, and back to a musical climate that breeds ingenuity and creativity versus defining the model on which all bands are made.

The minute the music industry determined what defines popular music, you were fucked. That's why Brittany Spears has a fucking career at all. It's time to end the commercial domination of this industry and discover all the real talent stolen away in the local garages.

Bring on the Pumpkins!

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