Sunday, October 29, 2006


A by-product of pursuing knowledge of an alternative health therapy is exposure to a range of "interesting" theories.

For example, I saw a brief demonstration of the hot stone technique that involved the therapist clicking stones together to "bring them back into the room." Now what the hell that means, I may never know. I accept it as part of the overall program and move along.

But every now and then I stumble across and article or idea that strikes me just so. Recently, I read an article about bone resonance. I was fascinated. The therapy involved tuning forks used at different points in the body to realign the bone's natural resonance. I know, it sounds a little hokey, but if you have ever been to a really loud rock concert, and walked away totally elated (without chemical enhancement) then you too understand this technique.

I distinctly remember the first time I went to a live show. It was Lynrd Skynrd -- post plane crash. I was underaged and very sober and in one of the best moods of my life. It literally rocked my ass into shape. I felt fantastic.

I have experienced this time and time again, and it's always better when I'm right next to the speakers where I can feel the base listerally sucking the marrow out of my bones with each thump.

I felt it again, but with a new understanding, when I went to a concert last Saturday. I went to see Audio Adrenaline, an alternative Christian rock band. I know, that should be an oxymoron, but it's not.

Normally I'm not a fan of adult contemporary Christian music. It puts me to sleep. But this band is different.The first time I saw them in concert, the lead singer was wearing a "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution" tee shirt and I knew things were going to be great.

We sat in the fourth row from the stage and when that base drum started thumping, and my head started banging in concert, all was right with the world.

After the show, I was explaining the bone resonance therapy to the hubby and how I felt the effects. I was chirping away, happily sharing my knowledge when I happened to glance over at him. The "what the fuck?" look on his face stopped me in my tracks.

Riiiiiggghttt. Forgot that the techie probably won't accept the alternative therapy ideas too well.

I waved my hand and said, "Nevermind, it's just something I read. Want to mess around when we get home?" I assumed the big grin on his face meant that his bone resonance had realigned as well.

God love a rock concert!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you get in the mood for more Christian rock, you might also give the band "Kutless" a listen ( Especially their "Sea of Faces" album (I haven't heard their latest). It's got a good mix of mellow and harder stuff. =)