Monday, November 13, 2006

My cup overfloweth

When I worked at the yet-to-be-named tax preparation company, I had this little sign that I liked to flash at my co-workers who were getting on my nerves. It was better than actually saying, "shut the fuck up, you're getting on my last damn nerve" which apparently is against HR regulations or something.

Anyway, after I started working there, my friend Doug came over to complain about something and I flashed my sign. I think he was startled -- the 5'2" frame, blonde curls and freckles lend itself to a much nicer demeanor. But he treated me with a whole new kind of (dis)respect afterwards.

This weekend I stumbled across an rant on the Huffington Post that was the political equivilent of my favorite sign.

I laughed out loud as I was reading it, so I thought it appropriate to share. I know my friend Doug will find it especially compelling.


Susan Miller said...

My boss gave me a "Fuck it" stamp. I try to use it sparingly and most days can resist the temptation to stamp everything that comes across my desk.

Anonymous said...

Where do I get one of those??

Anonymous said...

I think that one of our students has this sign hanging in his room. It's exactly what he told his teacher the other day when she asked him to sit down so he could take a test. Can you believe it?!? It exhausts me to have to deal with this everyday! What have I gotten myself into???

Anonymous said...

grand! now i have a new work sign. thanks.