Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tingling with anticipation

I have been in love with James Bond since the first time I saw Goldfinger when I was in my early 2os. Yes, I was a late bloomer -- where Bond was concerned anyway. But it started a love affair that has endured and left me quivering for each new addition to the cannon. And as any good Bond, femme fatale, I am a purist who believe that the real bond is Sean Connory and all others are secondary ... although I wouldn't kick Pierce out of my bed anytime soon.

What I like best about the movies are the lighthearted aspects --- the quips that drip with erotica, the action scenes that defy reason or sometimes are outright funny. It weaves and ducks into a fabulous albeit thin story that I could watch again and again.

Needless to say, I have greatly anticipated the newest movie despite my reservations about Daniel Craig. I was lackluster about his role as Ted Hughes in Slyvia and less than impressed with his gangster-son role in Road to Perdition. But I so desperately want my next dose of Bond, I will hope for the best. Pete Travers of Rolling Stone seemed to like it, and he tends to agree with my opinon. I expect good things.

And then ... and then... I found out that Chris Cornell (cue angelic chorus) is singing the infamous Bond song for this movie. Chris, who fronted Soundgarden. Chris, who loved me up with Temple of the Dog. And Chris, who twinkled my toes with Audioslave. Chris is my music equivilent of a soul mate. What Chris touches turns to gold.

And suddenly that tingling just moved a little further south.

"My name is Plenty."

"But of course you are"

"Plenty O'Toole"

"Aaah, named after your father perhaps?."


Alan said...

I know this may be a less popular opinion, but I'm looking forward to a more "gritty" Bond. The book for which this movie is written was much darker and more realistic. The books are where I became a Bond fan. As with most books though, they can ruin you to the movie version. The only notable exception to this was the LOTR’s movies, which I feel were in some ways better then the books.

With all that being said, while I’m completely non-tiggled, I’ve heard the new Bond song and it is, most assuredly, the best Bond song that’s been performed in over a decade.

Anonymous said...

everyone knows George Lazenby is the real James Bond.

Michele said...

I agree, a darker, grittier Bond is past due. Although, as I mentioned, Pierce took me to a whole new plane....

By the way, Ken, you're the devil!

Anonymous said...

And this whole time I was worried you didn't like me. By the way, how's that tshirt coming?

Michele said...

I'm wearing it, actually. It turned out much too nice to actually GIVE to an asshole.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Michelle! It's your cousin Dana, and I have found your blog. I am waiting for a post dedicated only to me...let me know.
Anyway, I am a late Bond bloomer too. I was watching one with an ex, "Goldfinger" I think, and there was this scene with what was supposed to be a menacing computer. The computer was HUGE, and it looked like it was a cardboard box spray painted with silver paint (like G-ma likes so much) in someone's garage. It has lights of many colors which looked suspiciously like Christmas lights. My ex said "What a kooky device" and I laughed til I peed a little. That line is still in my vernacular. Enjoy!!
Hope all is well!!
email me some time, creep.