I once contemplated some career as an astromer of some sort. I was fascinated by the distance of space -- how the stars we see at night are millions of years old, as is the image we view. I was totally intrigued ... until I realized how math was involved and then I came to my senses and went back to my journalism classes.
But I never lost that taste for space. Or maybe it's a taste of possibility. There are almost infinite possibilities in space from other worlds to other species. I've always been in love with possibilties.
Those possibilities eventually grow into life and suddenly you find yourself looking less at the sky and more at the evening news. Thankfully, that's where your kids come into play.
This year the ball of fire asked for a telescope for Christmas. He wants to look at the craters on the moon and he can't quite see them well enough with his "noculars." Aaah, suddenly there are new possibilities.
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