Part of my problem is that we tend to repeat the exact same steps all the time, starting with Thanksgiving at the in-laws. It's the same shit, over and over again every year. And if I present an option such as ... New York for the parade ... then I'm trying to ruin everyone's Thanksgiving. Yeah, that's it. I want to ruin your whole life because I want to see Dora the Explorer as a giant balloon. Whatever.
It makes me think a lot about the choices I've made. Don't get me wrong, I love my family. I wouldn't give them away for anything. But when I think about that writing internship in London that I didn't apply for because I was getting married ... it makes me wonder. I know the old adage, when you close one door, a new one opens. But what about the ones that are closed? What's behind those doors? What if I had gone into the Peace Corps, like this guy.
It does not help my malaise to meander such mental paths, but I have a great imagination so it's easy for me to get lost in those alternative universes of "what if."
What if we went skiing this year INSTEAD of going to the in-laws for Christmas. Aaah, the possibility.
Closed door. A retrospective in finger paint by Michele.

But you do get it- the Holidays ARE about doing the same shit every year. Because it's what forms the foundation of families. Sure, some times it gets old and the enthusiam wanes - until your realize that it won't always be this way, and by then you want it to. Because the alternative is spending the days wondering if mom's chemo is going to work or if this is it and there are no more real options (except maybe a Christmas miracle) or if your daughter will get enough Christmas's under her belt to remember them with mom before the brain cancer comes back and the expiration date finally arrives. Or if this is the year gramp's descent into dementia will finally preclude him from understanding anything that's going on. So that's why we cling to the traditions and the eggnog -for perspective.
Merry Christmas
I disagree with Ken. Christmas is about one thing. The Birth of Jesus Christ. That's it.
We should not be guilt-ed into silly traditions if we don't want to do them. I enjoy my family and friends all year long. If I visit with my dying Grandma on December 14th, is it any less significant because it was not on Christmas day? It just so happens that most people are off work - so they have the time to visit with family. So why can’t I use my time to take a well deserved vacation instead? The beach sounds pretty good to me right now. I am so tired of this tradition crap I could puke. I don’t want to have to spend money on gifts for adults when I could put it toward my new baby, or give to a charity, or invest it for God's sake. Do we really need another gift card or sweeter to make our lives complete. NO.
I say – take the ski trip over Christmas and see Grandma the weekend before you leave. Or go to New York for the Thanksgiving Day parade – those are lasting memories. Not sitting around watching your relatives nap after stuffing themselves on turkey and pie. MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES. EMBRACE YOUR OWN “TRADITIONS.”
I totally agree with your sister, my friend. This year I have made it to the most fed up state I have ever been in. I feel ten times better when spending my money on my new niece, than other relatives or friends. Or when I am spending money on people who need it through the adopt a family program or pregnancy assistance center. These are the causes that make my heart smile during this time of year. I agree make new memories of your own yet stick with a few of the old in your own time.
Merry Christmas,
Jenny and Tony
I agree with your sis and Jenny. I am sick and tired of the same thing year after for hours to find the "perfect" gift for someone that I could care less about, listening to everyone bitch about how much they have spent and how many people they have to buy for and how expensive each of these items are. Christmas is too commercialized.
All I want for Christmas is to spend time with my husband and kids and to visit the ones that I love when I have free time. I can do this any time of the year. I would rather save my money to spend on a nice vacation. I haven't asked for any presents for the past few years. I don't expect anyone to buy me anything. Actually, the best present that I could get is to have a nice meal and not have to cook it for once :)
I say spend your holidays where you want! Why not? Is it a law that we have to spend time with our families for Thanksgiving? Does God say that you have to stay at home to celebrate his son's birthday? As far as I know, it doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible.
Merry Christmas
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