Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Depression: It tastes like crab rangoon

I am a fan of delivered-to-my-door information. I like magazine in my mail box, I require e-newsletters and I'm a downright e-mail junkie. I like instant accessability. Monthly, I receive these sometimes helpful little e-mails from iVillage about sex and women's health. (Two seperate e-mails, generally the same topics!)

Today's e-mail was about fighting the winter blues. I suffer from seasonal affective disorder. I know it, my hubby knows it and so does my doctor. I don't like winter. But I don't get so blue that I need medication. So it's that borderline depression that makes you feel like crap, but not enough to try meds.

I say this with all humility toward people who suffer from depression because it is some serious shit. Some days I debate in my head whether my car is going fast enough to break through the barriers on the bridge and fly into the river, where I will open my mouth and let the water swallow me whole. Lucky for me, those days are few and far between. I can't imagine the weight of that feeling every day.

So when I received today's e-newsletter, I was intrigued about the results of a simple, 8-question online test might produce. As I expected, my results were non-conclusive and I was directed to a toll-free number for further questioning. In other words, I'm depressed, but just not enough.

I also found this nonsensical article on how scientists are trying to link tastebuds with depression. According to the article, "In the most anxious participants, taste sensations appeared to be blunted, with significantly higher recognition thresholds for bitter and salt taste."

Really? That's it? I could have told you that. Because when you feel like crap, everything tastes like crap except your failure which tastes like salt brine and burns in the back of your throat. Sheesh!

Why does no one every ask my opinion? I could have saved them so much time and money.

However, I choose to find the silver lining in this life-changing research. Since my taste buds will obviouly prefer salt the next time I contemplate suffocating myself with my own pillow, I am prescribing myself crab rangoon therapy. I promise to eat as much crab rangoon as I can hold until I see the beauty and glory of the world again.

Or at least until I get diarrhea.


Susan Miller said...

Your posts always make me laugh, which is a great remedy to seasonal affective disorder. Food and laughter....throw in some wine and life is good again.

Anonymous said...

I get SAD too! I have decided that every winter I am going to plan an event that I can look forward to. Last winter Alan and I were engaged in Florida. This winter we got a house. Next winter we are planning our trip to Hawaii (with or without baby - I have no idea how I will decide until Noah is here).

And the winter after that? Maybe we plan a big Russell(meaning Mom and Dad, someone has to babysit while we are at the bars), Compton, Copeland family trip to the beach.