Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Never look a gift from the mother-in-law in the eye

He: "Hey, are those new?" Refering to bra and panty set.

Me: "Why, yes they are. I bought them for Valentine's Day."

He: "Did you get those from Victoria's Secret when we were at the mall on Sunday?"

Me: "Why yes I did. I used that gift certificate from Christmas."

He: "Who bought you a Victoria's Secret gift card?"

Me: "Your mom. So I guess in a way, your mom bought the bra and panties you'll be stripping off me tonight."

He: "You just have to ruin everything, don't you."


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

That's because you know exactly what that statement would do to Tony too!!

Anonymous said...

I just threw up a little bit...

Anonymous said...

In my case, my preverted mom-in-law and also my mom has taken me to buy bras and panties.....

Anonymous said...

Would not stop Alan from stripping them off of me. He might even call and thank the mother in law for such a great bra and panty set and recommend other colors that he enjoys...

Michele said...

I should have known you perverts would chime in.