Saturday, June 09, 2007

G, that's the spot!

My friend DG sent me the following short article from on a new procedure to enhance a woman's G-Spot.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the new shot, which makes one's G spot swell to the size of a quarter -- provided you have nearly two grand to throw down for the procedure. The goal is to increase a woman's sexual pleasure and enable her to have effortless orgasms -- all of which sounds great. Except ... the scientific research on the shot's effectiveness is sketchy at best. There's a host of unpleasant potential side effects, and, damn, that's a pricey fix for a lazy lover.

On top of the controversy over the shot, as an
accompanying article in the Chronicle points out, sexologists are still battling over whether the G spot really exists. Notorious G-spot skeptic Betty Dodson says "we've taken a minority sexual response and made it into the latest fashion that tells women they're not happy if they don't have a G-spot orgasm."

The G-spot doesn't exist? I hope to God that isn't true because I have been doing an amazing job of faking it for years. In fact, I've convinced myself as well as my lover that I've had orgasms.

In all seriousness though, I once asked one my lesbian friends how long it takes her to make a girl climax. She replied, "Maybe a minute."

Only a minute? Fellas, please. Try harder.

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