Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Get on board

On our recent foray into Orlando, I read the Southwest(nile virus) in-flight magazine, Spirit, from cover to cover. Hubby forgot to pack my magazines, but whatever, I'm moving on.

I happened upon a fabulous little article about fan fiction, where novice writers take a crack at writing stories about their favorite characters in novels, such as some of the minor characters in the Harry Potter series.

This is just one more example of mass movement that continues to reshape communications and the web. I find myself a little more than obsessed with the phenomenon.

Last week I picked up a book on mass collaboration (See: obsessed!) called Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything.

Due to deep changes in technology, demographics, business, the economy and the world, we are entering a new age where people participate in the economy like never before. This new participation has reached a tipping point where new forms of mass collaboration are changing how goods and services are invented, produced, marketed, and distributed on a global basis. This change presents far-reaching opportunities for every company and for every person who gets connected.

I think this could be an exciting time to be a writer. The opportunities to post your words in a variety of ways are staggering. Blogging, Wikipedia and MySpace are just the beginning. With these new mediums, maybe I'll have the chance to live-edit a novel, shape an international marketing campaign, or finally publish my collection of erotic short stories.

The possibilities are endless!


Anonymous said...

Look, I'm gonna save you a lot time and thought about the future of mass communication on the web - everything will simply devolve into porn. The end. Not that there's anything wrong with more manipulated naked pictures of Jennifer Garner...

Michele said...

I finally posted something about her JUST FOR YOU. Can you say thank you?


Anonymous said...

Yes, but you couldn't bring yourself to write a column about her. Thanks anyway.

Anonymous said...

Southwest(nile virus) is sooooo clever. Did you think of that yourself?