Thursday, November 29, 2007

Questing, questing, questing

I have snobby taste in home decor. It's taken a while to get the hubby used to it, but he's slowly coming around.

I don't have a lot of family photos on the wall at my house. Instead I prefer to hang art on the walls. We have some original chalk drawings from an artist we met in Italy. A cottage scene sent from my aunt when she lived in England. I have two of my paintings on the wall. The ball of fire has his own little gallery. And my friend Farly has a place of honor.

I also have two gorgeous photos of my sister taken by my very talented brother-in-law.

Lately I've been on the hunt for something in particular. There is an amazing painting in the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair that hangs over his bed. It's a group of voluptuous women looking at their reflections in a pool. I cannot find the name of this piece.

I will start to search, become disgruntled and stop for a while. This week, I had renewed enthusiasm. I didn't find it. But I did stumble onto some new photographers that piqued my interest.

The hubby and I have this ongoing debate about whether nude art is approrpiate in a house that has small children. I say yes, if tastefully done. He tends to disagree.

I found a few on this site that would make a great collection for the wall behind my bed. And then a few that may reveal a tad too much.

The debate rages on.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'd call naked lesbians grinding each other in bed tasteful. I mean, the photography and the women are beautiful, but it's not the pure, un-salacious celebration of beauty that I would define as tasteful. But, yeah, if you're going to do it try not to include pictures with vulva.

Michele said...

I think the vulva is a bit much as well. Maybe ok for the master bathroom ...

greater good said...

Nudes are always good for the bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

We have nudes in our home and I never feel guilty when friends come to visit with their small children because its part of my husband like his arm or it stays.
We will leave them up even with Noah now. He will be brought up in a home full of art and music if I have anything to do with it (and I do because I'm the Momma). I say go for it - obviously no vulva's unless yours is just so fabulous that you have to display it.