Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bitch slap

I have been trying to post a blog since Friday. It was going to be one of those sloppy, sappy mommy entries about my son's 5th birthday. It was sure to include all the funny little quips he made through the day about how he could still do all the things he did when he was four, just better. And it would include a picture of him and I standing nose to nose when he was super excited about one of his presents.

Well, fuck that.
I have been trying to post a stinking picture for three days and it is always sideways. I have edited this stupid effing picture a dozen times and every time I post ... sideways.

So fuck it. Here it is. Sideways. Seems appropriate in retrospect.


Anonymous said...

Nice. Bitch slap that sucker.

It' s a cute picture when I turn my laptop on its side.

Mike said...

What? It's cute when they're standing on their heads???
