Sunday, November 02, 2008

Contemplating naval lint

I must admit, I like therapy. It's nice to have someone totally unjudgemental hear all your deepest worries and concerns. Someone who doesn't laugh when you mention your anxiety attack caused by a skirt that is a tad too tight.

It's hard to figure out what I'm riddled. I have no new stress. The part-time gig is great. My freelance gig is swinging. My health is actually top notch. The family is well-balanced and generally happy. What the hell is my problem?

My last attack was Friday when I woke in the middle of the night, frantic that my bottom lip was swelling in reaction to .... air? Who knows? It's not like I'd been eating at 2:30 a.m.

So I undertook a new, ridiculous, just-for-the-joy of it project.

As you may recall, I went through a post-adolescent love fest with the "Twilight" books. Last week, our local hometown newspaper launched a writing contest to continue the Twilight story. It's a 400 word job, it has to center around two characters and take place soon after the conclusion of the final book. Oh my mind, she is a-racing.

I've chosen Jasper and Alice. If you haven't read the books, please stop reading this post. I don't want you nay-saying to ruin my buzz.

I'd like to do something that centers on Alice's past, specifically her time in the assylum. Us crazies like to stick together.

I think I have the concept and storyline in place. I just need to add the pretty part. I'm still ambivilent about submitting. I'm afraid I'll be competing with a bunch of 16-year-olds, and will feel ashamed, but I should do things I enjoy, yes?

Yes! So I push forward, tap into my inner teen angst and see what comes out.

I might just need to see High School Musical 3 to help with the project. Teen drama research is required!

1 comment:

Jenn Copeland said...

By the way - I read your essay and sent it to two of my friends and they all agreed that we would like to hear more on Alice.