I had a different post here today. One written when I was feeling the full affects of panic. I can't even read it now. It bothers me to feel like this. So I do some research instead:
Dept. of Gastroenterology, University of Naples, Italy: Depressive symptoms in adult celiac disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 1998; 33(3):247-50. This study explored depression experienced by adult sufferers of celiac disease (CD). Results showed that depressive symptoms are a feature of celiac disease, and are present in both childhood and adulthood diagnosed CD. Nutritional and vitamin supplementation to diet can be an effective method of treatment for CD, and can result in both physical and psychological improvement of the symptoms of the disease.
And an new alternative presents itself.
Hi Michelle,
I usually do not comment on your blog but wanted to offer some support. I have not personally gone through what you are experiencing but I know sometimes exercise shakes me out of a funk (for lack of a better term). Maybe a nice brisk walk, or run or bike ride would help.
Don't you just hate that 9 times out of ten all the shit in life comes down to eating better and exercising? It's such a bitch - especially when the most comforting thing when you feel down is to lie on the couch and eat bon bons (gluten free of course!).
My advice, keep on keepin' on and know this too will pass. It will. It won't always suck - even if you opt to do nothing....but that said, do take your meds.
And, I suppose, if you feel up to it, go out and take a walk.
Best wishes, truly. And know you're not alone. This time of year is hard on a lot of us.
Are you taking your B 12 vitamins? I was sure in a funk today at work. We just need to do something radically fun. However, dressing up didn't do much. I'm thinking drugs - legal of course. But I'm the one who never considered natural child birth either. Not even for a second.
What I like to do when I am at the end of my reality as I know it... call my big sis and talk about shoes.
Love you!
The past is a tough thing to shake off...maybe talking is the key, can someone help or hurt?
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