Thursday, January 08, 2009

Oh my soul

For Christmas, I was blessed with a brand new, red, shiny, 16 gig iPod that is begging for new music. Santa also left a few iTunes cards in my stocking. I was a very nice girl this year, apparently.

I'm craving a song I heard on the new FX show, "Sons of Anarchy." Pretty much if it's on FX, I watch it. It's a remake of an old gospel song called "John the Revelator" redone by Curtis Stigers. Not available.

The closest I've found was a cover from Gov't Mule. At least it has that old blues sound that makes the hairs stand up on my arms with pure pleasure that only an old steel guitar can create.

I'm still looking for "Shamma Lamma Ding Dong" by Otis Day and the Knights.

Yes, they are a real band.! Sheesh...

1 comment:

Michele said...

I think I'll just buy the whole thing. It has tons of good stuff on it!