Monday, February 23, 2009

Don't go away mad, just go away!

Have you heard we're in a recession? And did you also hear that said recession may have been caused by the giant mortgage bubble that burst and took most of the large banks with it? I know, crazy stuff, right?

So how is it that I slide into a new job, the hubby's company is going gangbusters and, AND we sold our house in two weeks? All good questions. These and many other important questions will never be answered in your lifetime, so just stop asking.

The truth is, we're doing so well, we should be frightened. And yet, somehow we're thriving. It's unheard of for a house to sell in two weeks right now. Forty-five days is the norm. The house we're buying has been on market for a year. And yet...

It defies explaination. So, I choose to ignore what I don't understand, listen to the new U2 album, which I may have gotten a little early and read about comets from infinity. That stuff freaks me out, it's so cool!!

Which one of you a-holes is going to help me pack?


Anonymous said...


Michele said...

Is that a no?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, girlie!!...Don't wait for the other shoe to fall...sometimes, as it turns out, you're barefoot.
But I am not helping you pack.

Jenn Copeland said...

I will not help you pack either.

Sister to sister, you kind of like packing don't you....getting everything organized and dusted off before it goes in the box. I know you do. Secretly I love it too!

greater good said...

Well, you can always be like me. Have your house sit on the market for 6 monthes. Never selling. Lose your job unexpectantly and quit caring...for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

Well I could help you pack. I haven't seen you in years and it would be fun to catch up.

Anonymous said...

If you can get me off of work for a week, I'll help you pack as long as you give me a bed to sleep in! Did I mention that I'm taking a week off in May and I'm still off from my 9 week leave of absence? Miracles do happen though...