Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Semi-colon, open parentheses

I miss my blogging. I have notes of weird and quirky things that I wanted to write about. Such is WHY we are still discussing the birth certificate of the current president? Are you kidding me?

But they remain notes, stuck to the bottom of my purse, tethered by a piece of gum the ball-of-fire started to chew and then changed his mind. Little lost bits of journalistic effort that are unceremoniously dumped into the trash when I clean out my handbag.

Ok, feeling maudlin. I will write again. It's a new goal!


B. said...

Well, get on with it! Let's have a post.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness - I miss your blog. I check it regularly and am so glad to see something new. Now, get inside that twisted mind and let it out, girl.