I read an interest piece on the Huffington Post recently (and yes, DG, I know she is insane) about the effects of social media.
Through the general evolution of my career, social media, and the manipulation thereof, have come front in center. I can tell you how to use Twitter, Facebook and Youtube to drive business to your Web site. It's my job to know that.
But I also know that the paradox of "social" media is that actually negates much of your social time.
For example, I have a friend who claims he can spend hours on Facebook. Doing? Good question. Looking through photos of others, taking a myriad of quizes. I have no idea. Is it possible? Apparently. Is it healthy? Doubtful.
A large portion of my life revolves around the folly of others. The other 50 percent is the idiocy of my own life. I've nicked my nipple shaving my legs, dyed my hair purple, taught a toddler to cuss, walked face first into a glass door and fallen down any manner of steps, curbs, hills and ladders. I don't need Facebook to entertain me.
The little idioscyncracies that make people unique are inherent in the joy of actually knowing them, talking to them, watching them trip up the stairs and then laughing manically after you make sure they aren't hurt. Social media removes that.
All that is left is the veneer of a glossy photo from 20 years ago that hides the imperfections and the enlightened well-researched literary quotes that supposedly encapsulates the very essence of your personality.
If that is the case, then my quote is "fucked up, but still worth the time." But I am going to stick with the glossy photo, cause my hair in the morning... damn.
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