Sunday, May 09, 2010

Give a little bit

We pause from our usual diatribe of sarcasm, mocking self-loathing, jest and sexual innuendo to bring this message. I apologize if it's a bit off the mushy radar.

I had one of "those" moments in church today: self-awareness. I try to avoid them whenever possible. No one should be too self-aware, as you will suddenly realize how ridiculous you are. However, while singing, a particular line stuck in my head: live a life more abundant.

To me, abundance always means love. You can never have too much. In fact, most of us are in a deficit. But it also means forgiveness, kindness, affection, gentleness, encouragement, color, music, art, dance, sunshine... Abundance.

The ball of fire was sitting on the floor, playing in the seat next to me during this moment, so of course I had to apply my abundant revelation to my parenting. Do I give enough? Do I tell him I love him enough? Hug enough? Encourage enough?

One of my most important jobs as a parent is to raise a man who is kind, gentle, loving, affectionate and generally a good person. No one is without selfishness, anxiety, some level of hate or even meanness. But if all those negatives are tempered by the good things in adundance, then maybe humanity will survive a little longer.

Viola! My message of hope for mother's day.

I should note that while I was having this life-changing moment, my zipper on my jeans was gaping and I had drank so much cappuccino beforehand that I was vibrating in my chair.

Abundance does not equate to perfection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There I was....happily about to have my FB scrabble addiction sated for the evening & play my 10 goes...when I got sidetracked by your blog & that your favourite places to visit seem to revolve around boob injuries & campaigning for letting it grow au naturale ...