Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hot and bothered

So, I have a terrible habit of buying stuff I want this time of year.

Why is that different than any other time of the year, you may ask? Because it's almost Christmas! God, you guys are assholes.

But seriously, I try to shop for others and I can't help it when I see things I need.

For example,
Mr. and Mrs. Smith came out on video yesterday. Now, if you know me at all, you know I'm a big fan of movies, particularly the variety where people blow shit up. And Angelina Jolie is just smoking hot in this movie, and when she kicks the shit out of Brad Pitt, my head almost pops off.

I have to have this movie! Or rather, hubby has to have this movie in his stocking. And if I happen to open it a few weeks early, and watch it four or five times, he can still enjoy it, right?

That's what I think too.

He's also getting Stellastarr's new CD , which may be copied and passed around to various friends before hand. (Yes, Welschmeyer, I mean you.)

Their latest song has some of the best new lyrics on it, "And when you're naked in the dark, I want to see your face in the reflection of my bedroom stereo."

Makes me think of losing my virginity at 15 in my boyfriend's bedroom while we listened to Pink Floyd. Remember that?

No one else lost their virginity at 15, did they?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh sisters are so much a like.