It's easy to prove. Walk up to a group of women and comment on how hot Denzel Washington is in Training Day. The will cream their panties right in front of you, I promise.
It is also true that Denzel is mighty hot in the film. He swaggers, and swears. He holds his nine sideways while he tries to pop a cap in someone's ass. He has that big fat bottom lip that you know he will let you suck if you kiss him. Fucking, smoking hot!
And he is a bad ass too, down right evil. No redeeming qualities whatsoever except you know he's got a big dick. You KNOW it! It's evident just in the way he walks. But that's it, everything else he does in that film is bad.
I'm telling you this because I have an admission to make. I am totally turned on by the freaky masked guy in the previews for V is for Vendetta.

It is not a logical attraction, his mask is creepy and smiley -- not a good combination. But in the previews, he throws knifes and kicks ass. I just want him to take me hard, from behind, mask ON.
To make it even worse, I know the actor is Hugo Weaving, aka Agent Smith from the Matrix. Not hot. Never going to be hot. But put the creepy, smiley mask on and I'm right there.
You can say it, there's something wrong with me. I know it's true. (Oh go fuck yourself!)
Oooh, or maybe I have a fetish. Now that could be fun.
1 comment:
IMHO women like bad boys because their dad was a bad boy and if they can get a bad boy and make him good they can somehow reconcile their bad daddy as a good daddy.
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