Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Choosy mothers choose lace

There comes a time in every stay-at-home mom's career where you have to make some weighty choices, choices that lead to happiness or angst; fun-filled fantasy or harsh reality. I hate to be in this position, but as the caretaker of my home, it falls on my shoulders to step up to the plate and make an informed decision that will best benefit my family.

I have two loads worth of laundry detergent left -- and four piles of clothes on the floor. I have my favorite pair of panties and a blankie that is looking a little ragged. Can the blankie make it a few more days? Or should I suck it up and wear the old lady panties instead of the pretty lacy ones that make me feel girly and sassy?

I know the blankie will be much needed at bedtime tonight. But I also know that a nice dose of Fabreeze will keep it from stinking up the house for another two days.

I guess I could be the bigger person and drag the ball of fire to Wal-Mart later this afternoon -- thereby salvaging the family from a blankie fit, or an old-lady-panty horror. But I'm just not that grown up.

I'm choosing the panties.

I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight if anyone needs me.


Alan said...

You should have just gone commando. Now that would have been sassier then a Mentos commercial. =)

Anonymous said...

I am in fact commando as we speak. Huh - great idea hubby. I am free!

JERRY: The only thing between him and us is a thin layer of gabardine... Kramer, say it isn't so.

KRAMER: Oh, it be so. I'm out there, Jerry, an' I'm lllovin' every minute of it!!!

Michele said...

I'll be honest, I worry about chaffing... more often that I should!