Sometimes technology pisses me off. Take Blogger, for instance, the usually lovely, user-friendly program that hosts this plethora of useless information. It is picky about photos, doesn't allow videos and requires outages at the weirdest times. But lately, Blogger has become a nag.
Blogger, which is owned by Google, repeatedly expressed the wish that I upgrade to beta. First it was a tentative suggestion in little copy at the bottom of the screen. Then it became a message that I had to ignore before I could post. This week, it became upgrade or die.
Part of the upgrade process included signing up for a Google e-mail account. Now I have a work e-mail, Yahoo e-mail, an old Hotmail account, an e-mail account the hubby set up that I have never used and a fucking google account. Fine, whatever.
But yesterday I went to leave a comment on another users blog and was DENIED! Why, oh why the injustice!?? you scream at your computer screen. Well, obviously the other user has not upgraded and I can only leave comments on accounts that use the new beta Blogger.
What ....... the ....... fuck. Pissed does not adequately describe my emotions at the time.
I hate to be manipulated, emotionally or otherwise. And here I am being forced to upgrade, set up a stupid new e-mail account AND nag my friends to upgrade so I can continue to leave titilating comments on their blogs. This is just wrong. So, I sent the following message to the Blogger Help Group.
Attention Nazi-controlled "free" blog service
I am writing to express my frustration, outrage and general dis-ease with your manipulative upgrade tactics. For two years I have enjoyed -- with limits -- blogging on the World Wide Web, but your insistence on upgrading to a beta format and then restricting my comment freedom has gone too far. This aggression will not stand!
I demand you return my rights as a free thinker to leave comments throughout the Internet as God intended without reprecussion or mercy.
I refuse to succumb to Communist-style methods to coerce my co-writers to upgrade to your pitiful beta program in order to relish my tidbits of wisdom. I will e-mail them directly instead!
I don't know how you sleep at night.
Sincerely, Michele c/o
That will show them.
By the way, feel free to e-mail me shit. I might as well use the damn account now that I have it.
You expect me to believe that a company whose motto is "Don't be Evil" would attempt something so outrageous?
I upgraded today just so we were on the same version. I ended up getting annoyed when I came here and I wasn't able to post a comment. =(
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