Sometimes you do something as a parent, and then experience immediate regret. Today I showed the ball of fire how to use a computer mouse.
We've watched the preview for Happy Feet 14 times. That's an actual number, not an estimate. I started counting after the fourth time.
We're not a gamming family so he's never played a computer game, or an XBox. But he's very interested in the computer so I thought it wouldn't hurt.
I realized my error last night when he clicked on the Dora the Explorer game, yet again, and refused to get off the computer. My e-mail jones was starting to rip me in two and I NEEDED to get on Yahoo.
I suggested another game, Hungry Hippos. Not interested.
I suggested food, his favorite pirate snacks. He replied with a curt, "No thanks."
I recommended a book to consider and again, rebuffed.
Finally I said, "Son, mommy needs to get on the computer now." And in a perfect imitation of the hubby, he replied, "You can get on later, when I'm finished."
Curse you Al Gore and your evil Internet!
There may come a time, my friend, when you find that everyone needs their own internet. Mothers feel your pain. I am technologically ignorant but have found myself residing over a home that has multiple computers networked together so everyone can be on the world wide web at the same time. This, I know, is not recommended in Dr. Spock's directives on how to raise your child, but I always figured he didn't know my child.
I was borrowing links from Jane's site, and since Bitchypoo, I've not been sucked into a blog so much that I read past the first couple of entries of anyone's journal before I just add them and read the entries they post after the fact.
Hi, I'm April, and I'm married to Kevin, mother of Lexie (4, and quite "ball of fire"ish, herself), and human parent to a furball cat and sproingy dog.
Nice to meetcha.
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