Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bloody hell

I have made a serious error in judgement.

I am not one to admit my mistakes lightly. I like to be right. But in this case, I goofed. For a few weeks I have been trying to find the Outlander novels. I have read some great reviews and I am a fan of science fiction so I assumed they would be a good choice. Here is where things went to hell.

I didn't find it in the sci-fi, the fiction, the horror or the historical fiction sections. I was beginning to give up when I put my pride aside and asked for some help. The portly fellow at Borders led me straight to (gasp!) romance.

I don't really like romance novels. They are trite and predictable and how many times can the suave nobleman tame the fiery temptress with the piercing blue eyes and red locks? Seriously? I read a few in college when I was so bowled over with homework that I didn't have time to invest in a good, deep novel. My mom calls them head candy and that's about it.

I almost, almost didn't buy Outlander because of its section. But alas I did. And I consumed it. And then I bought the next one, and have mercy.

I cannot fully explain why I love these books so much. It has a tinge of romance, but not in the traditional sense. There historical retelling is fabulous, but that's not really it either. I read a review of the book on Salon that probably describes it best: It has to be the "realness" of the main characters.

How can a fictional man can love a woman so deep that when they are at the moment of climax, he asks her to open his eyes so they can fall into it together. And at that moment, both she and you are broken.

My error in judgement came when I assumed I could put the book aside and do other things, like eat. It didn't happen that way. In fact, after I finished the second book, the hubby asked me not to run out and buy the third. He's tired of having pizza for dinner. Selfish bastard.

But finished I did and now I wait for the continuing saga. He promised to buy me the third (and fourth...please?) for Valentine's Day, and I promised to move off the couch and shower. It's a fair compromise.

Until then, I wait.

"Then let amorous kisses dwell
On our lips, begin and tell
A Thousand and a Hundred score
A Hundred and a Thousand more."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Outlander series as well - just amazing. I've never understood the romance section either. Weird!
