Sunday, January 28, 2007


I feel overwhelmed. I have a few stories due for the yet-to-be-named tax prepartion company, most of which are researched or half written. I have several stories, including a gigantic cover story due for my part-time gig. And I have one quickie bio due this weekend for my good pal DG.

I've been listening to a lot of Sarah McLachlan while I write. "Black & White" seems to fit me lately.

"Everybody loves you when you're easy.."


Anonymous said...

Hang in there!

Your Friend,
Sarah Mclachlan

Anonymous said...

Oh Anon, you always know what to say!

Susan Miller said...

Just hide. They'll all go away if you just hide...I promise.

Good luck, Michelle.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Anon is very sweet!

If I multi-task everything that I do, I know you can do it too!

I'm with Susan though, if all else fails, just hide!

Anonymous said...

Runaway!! Runaway!!