Today I saw an e-mail from someone named "Wendi." I have a cousin Wendi so I checked it j

I was rewarded for my efforts with this lovely photo. I thought it was hilarious!
But what's more interesting is the relationship between men and their penis. For obvious reasons (at least I assume they are obvious) I cannot commiserate.
It seems like a love-hate relationship -- enjoying what you've got but wanting more. And from reading Men's Health, they worry about it ... a lot.
A few well-spent evenings with The New Joy of Sex would be a much better investment than any of these weird little drugs.
As I always say, you can have a cadillac sitting in the driveway but if you don't know how to drive, don't bother stopping by my house.
Ewww ... my eyes have been burned out of my skull. Okay, not really, but I this kind of stuff makes me wish
1) I had known you much sooner
2) You were not in a different class
3) I was not moving away
You haven't moved away yet, Farly. There is still time, grasshopper...
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