I'm a big believer in free speech. I think that's a fact I have established. But I also know there comes a time when free speech is just a prop for others to be assholes and push their propaganda moral opinion down your fucking throat.
These people don't really have insight to share, but they are so assured of their moral superiority that they have to tell you how to live your life -- which should be just like theirs. I know this because I went to the University of Kansas which is right up right up the street from the hate-monger, Fred Phelps.
Phelps and his family regularly picketed at KU for just about any event, gay or not. He picketed the funeral of a musician who was rumored to be gay. He picketed both times I saw Elton John in concert. (He freaking rocked, by the way. Elton, not Fred.)
Since the war, Phelps and his band of malcontents have been picketing the funerals of soilders because they have made a convuluted connection that 9/11 was vengence for homosexuality.
Church members routinely picket funerals of military personnel killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, carrying signs such as "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "God hates fags."
Reverend Phelps and his family finally saw some justice this week. Proof that spewing hate and bigotry is not going to make everyone think like you.
In an odd twist of fate, when I worked at the national insurance association, I learned that the director of Human Resources is married to Fred's daughter, who also happens to be his stepsister. The DIRECTOR OF HR. By the way, those are his children in the photo.
Family values. Who says they are missing in this country?
I might have to use my freedom of speech to write letters to our state insurance commissioners, just to let them know what the director and his breeders have been up to lately.
Let me know if you need some stamps for those letters -- I'd be happy to chip in!
Let me know what you need, I am a christian and what this so called church family is doing is SICK! I will write a letter with you, I will get on the phone; you let me know. This is disgusting. If their church has the 11 million to give to that family that should tell you something about their members. No church should be cash rich, only be able to sustain itself for it's members and it's future. I am outraged at what you have opened my eyes to. Sorry for the rant.
I know who God doesn't hate - Jennifer Garner. Now's there's and idea for a blog entry.
Well, take some comfort in knowing religion's not going to be around much longer.
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