Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Can you hear the drums Orlando?

This weekend, the hubby, ball of fire and I took a trip to the great state of Florida where the thrills of Universal Studios awaited.

Vacationing is a favorite pasttime of ours, one that we partook much more frequently before the ball of fire, but alas. And, we're very lucky to have found friends with whom we can vacation. Their three boys range around the ball of fire and he gets along with them all. Her hubby and mine have the same sense of humor (a la' 12-year-old boy). She and I have a people-watching fetish that puts many others to shame. And this weekend, we went all out.

I'll start by saying that the people watching at Florida theme parks ranks -- on a scale of 1 to 10 -- at about a 35. Seriously.

The things that people will bare in public amaze me. It's no longer good enough to bend over and flash a pink thong. Or try on a short tee that lets your belly button peep out. These days, you're not flashy until your ass cheeks are hanging out, your boobs are about to pop loose and your muffin top is basking in the sun.

There are some parts of a person that should remain hidden except under the cover of darkness. Unfortunately, I saw too many of those parts in broad daylight. And it scared me.

And ocassionally, I took a photo... Is that wrong?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe she's hoping people with think she's pregnant....or REALLY sexy (delusional)

Michele said...

This was among the more tame. I couldn't get my camera to click fast enough for a few others.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I attended the UMS craft fair this weekend with mom. I ran into several other alumni that we know. All I can say is that the sickening skinny cheerleaders from "back in the day" now look worse than this pic. Something to put a smile on your face :)