The body strikes yet another blow in our continuous quest for corporal dominance. I woke up this morning with some of the worst hives I've had ... well ... ever. They are always worse in those secret places that are hard to itch, such as the crease of the elbow, back of the knee or just along the panty line. Everytime I stick my hand down the side of my jeans to scratch furiously, I wonder what hapless passersby may think.
On the bright side, I had an e-mail from Amazon waiting for me today touting the latest Lenny Kravitz album. Why yes, I will take some love, love, love!
Too bad the Hives didn't come out with a new album...then Amazon could have emailed you about that. That would have been ironic.
Don't scratch em'
Are you OK?
Those aren't hives!
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