Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Erotically denied

I realize I live in the middle of the Bible belt. But usually I have no issues sowing my liberal oats, having coffee with my liberal friends, arguing with my non-liberal husband on issues. I have ready access to liberal women’s organizations, highly inflammatory liberal reading material and even, yes, it’s true, vibrators.

So when I read a recent review of Sex in America: Politically Inspired Erotica by Stephen Elliott, I ran right out to my local book store to pick up a copy.

Only, they didn't carry it. Neither did the store in the mall or the bigger store across town. None of them carried it. In fact, the nice lady at the information desk informed me that it was considered objectionable content and they wouldn't order it. Of course it's objectionable, I retorted, it's about SEX, which will soon be illegal in this country!

I shouldn't have been pissy, it wasn't her fault, but what the hell? It's a book.

Considering that I couldn't buy it, well, now I had to have it. So I did what every good fan of erotic literature does: I ordered it from Amazon.com. I only hope it comes wrapped in a black wrapper because I just can't imagine what the neighbors would think!


Anonymous said...

Can I borrow it when you are done?

Michele said...

Yes, and I'll even tab my favorite sections!