Monday, April 28, 2008

Love for sale

You might remember that a few months ago I had a little trouble with my liver. Trouble that was snipped in the bud with little or no reprecussions -- other than I had to give up sugar for the rest of my life.

Ok, so that sucks a bit. No more Starbucks orange mocha orgasms or 8 a.m. Dr. Pepper. I can live with that. I actually benefited from this slight restriction, a bump in my weight loss efforts. I'll take it!

As with all our diet changes, I put the ball of fire and hubby on a reduced-sugar diet as well. They still get those small mints at the Italian resturaunt or the chocolate goodies at the local pizza place, but generally, they live sugar free.

So after all these months, why would the hubby bring home not one, but two liters of Dr. Pepper to sit in my refrigerator?

The obvious answer: He no longer loves me.

Why else would he bring home one of my all-time favorite drinks to taunt me with its sugary sweet goodness and fizzy bliss? What other reason could prompt such a blatant attempt to make me break down into a puddle of tears and cravings destined to bring me to my knees?

Alright, so we did have some friends over for dinner and DP is her favorite drink as well. He was trying to be somewhat considerate to our guests. But, I've still decided to sell his golf clubs on eBay.

Ninety degress today? Too bad, no golf for you. You'll just have to play with the balls you have. But how about a nice Dr. Pepper while you brood!


Anonymous said...

I am struggling to quit sugar. So as you and I discussed the other day I am trying to supplement my sweet tooth with honey.

So to curb my sweet tooth this morning...I guzzled like 5 table spoons of honey for breakfast.

yea...I know....

Michele said...

Ok, like he'd let me touch his clubs. Whatever!

Plus it's his personal time, away from the house, why would I torment us both and take that away?