Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I got what I got all despite you

I'm having one of those days when nothing can bring me down. Not even a heavy hand on my extreme commuter story. Not even a lonely text from a wayward niece who is not so happy with her family right now -- the feeling is mutual on their part.

I have one golden ticket to the Raconteurs tonight for an evening of Jack White and the brilliance that shines from his greasy hair like starlight. I had to switch over from Fiction Plane to listen to their new album, but it was worth it.

It's very bluesy and once again, reminiscent of those bands that made rock roll -- Led Zepplin, Styx and the Doors. My favorite song, "Top Yourself" includes a steel guitar, which may be one of the best inventions... well, ever. It also has some of the best lyrics

How you gonna get that deep
When I'm not around to do it to you.

Poetic genius!

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