Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stand to the side, freaky

My grandmother has this saying, in her day, you had to pay a nickle to look behind the curtain and see the carnival freaks. Today, you simply watch reality television.

I was recently watching the latest epidsode of "Project Runway" and one of the contestents ripped off a statement so damn good, I literally wrote it on the back of my very-important-folder-of-freelance-work.

Then I read it aloud .... a lot.

"Ain't nobody sucking on my titties, so you better man up."

I don't think I could live without TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My newest addiction while I am sitting in the chair feeding my little one! Even Leon was getting into it...LOL!

I couldn't live without TV either, but mainly because there are a few shows that keep the boys quiet and Lord knows I can't live without a few minutes of peace and quiet every day!