Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Match and Me

Someone has signed me up for Ok, so someone didn’t sign me up, per se. Rather a lovely girl with the screen name cajunbaby12 signed up and mistakenly used my e-mail address.

Today I had my first round of potential mates appear as if by magic in my in-box. I was tempted to hit delete and return to my usual e-mail –,, New York & Company, Nordstrom’s, the New Yorker and Rolling Stone. But, I could not pull my eyes away from Chopperjay -- 5’8 with sandy hair, a smart goatee, visible tattoos and a passion for all things music and motorcycles. Nice!

In turn, he likes girls with long hair (shoulder-length?), bold personalities (smartass?) and who likes public displays of affection (tongues?) and to go skinny dipping (on a moonless night when the stretch marks are less visible?).

I was lucky to find the hubby when I was young and in college. I don’t have to date as a 30-something mom who has lots of baggage – most of it under my eyes.

I have single friends who use these services and have little or no luck. It makes me wonder, what are these guys really looking for? A long-term relationship or a rocking good time with a tattooed freak who likes to hump and strip in public? Which really begs the question: Do men ever grow up?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many years ago I had a friend who used on-line dating services to get sex. Then she was matched to a really sweet guy, I met him a few times...he really liked her but would not "put out" so she dumped him! Just an interesting side story...