Monday, January 26, 2009

Phantom Menace

The ball of fire is entranced by "Phantom of the Opera." Last week, in a harmless moment, I made a cup of tea with gallons of honey and decided to watch the movie version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's masterpiece. It's PG. We had a pint-sized guest. I was confident that if they ran through the room, they wouldn't see anything that would scar their impressionable minds. Little did I know.

They did run through. And stayed. And watched the whole thing. And loved it.

Great, right? It's better than Barney! Oh. Good. God. If I have to hear "Music of the Night" one more time, I may gouge out my own ears.

There is an upside. When the CD is finally silenced, he will sing the songs using his own words, which usually involves the activity of the moment. Have you ever heard the tune of "Point of No Return" sung about legos?


greater good said...


Jenn Copeland said...

Past the point of no return...
the final threshold - the bridge
is crossed, so stand and watch it burn . . .
We've passed the point
of no return . . .