Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stuck in her thumb, pulled out a ... ewww

Watching my body change after my celiac diagnosis has been ... interesting.

On one hand, my weight settled easily into my ideal weight range. In fact, I'm a tad on the shallow end. I lost a whole bra size in that deal though, which is depressing. My digestive irregularities disappeared almost completely. My skin is glowing and my hair is actually growing. Believe it or not, that is a problem for curly hair. It doesn't grow so much long, as out and into a bush.

Despite being gulten free for almost a year, I still find funny ways to torment myself.

For example, last night the ball of fire --who was feeling very under-the-weather -- wanted to make chocolate chip cookies. I gave in. As I was scooping tablespoon-sized globs of gooey sweetness onto the cookie sheet, I noticed my thumb was itching like crazy. I finished the sheet, slid it in the oven and washed the cookie dough off. My thumb was red. Within minutes, three little hives popped up. I took a shot of Benadryl and sprayed the hives with Benadryl spray (best invention EVER).

The hives didn't last long, but presented a new layer of body issues. My sensitivity is actually heightened by the fact that I no longer have gluten in my body.

I called my mom, who I believe also has gluten sensitivty, to tell her about my latest discovery. I've been trying to convince her to go gluten-free for months. I think she's finally getting on the bandwagon.

We've been exploring the hereditary aspect of gluten intolerence for a while. I'm pretty sure my granny has some sensitivity, my mom and my sister.

I blame our Irish heritage. It's all that damn beer!

1 comment:

Jenn Copeland said...

I have been going gluten free for a few days now. I eat so much healthier because you have to make good choices and conscious decisions about what you put in your mouth. I found myself eating little pieces of my son's grilled cheese today. I did not even know I was doing it, just shoving some in as I was cutting it up. I have to really watch myself!