Thursday, April 27, 2006

It's all about the research

One of my favorite things to do when employed is "research" on the Internet.

In all seriousness, I am a damn good researcher, especially when researching an article topic. I will research the shit out of something until I have such an abundance of information that I cannot possibly use any of it for the story. But hell, at least I have the research, right?

I also love to research nothing. For example, today on Time Magazine's site I read about a new summer movie starring Samuel L. Jackson tentatively titled "Snakes on a Plane." I have not seen a preview or heard a word about this movie, but since reading about it in Time Magazine, I have researched the shit out of it.

Apparently it has already generated a cult following just from the online chatter.

I promise, this will be a dumb fuck movie. Read the synopsis, but the name alone is worth the ticket price. Samuel L. Jackson claims that title is the reason he took the role in the first place.

The point of this story is that my nothing research turned up a fabulous new blog by a screenwriter who happens to be working on the Snakes on a Plane script.

Said screenwriter has taken the phrase "Snakes on a Plane" and decided to use it instead of other fun phrases like shit happens.

For example, today my son was playing so earnestly he did not stop when the call of the wild (aka poop) started to keen in his brain. Instead, he comes running into my room -- while grunting -- to tell me he has to go. Inevitably, poop in undies.

"Damn," I thought to myself. "We're so close to potty trained." I sighed, "Well, what can you do -- Snakes on a Plane."

God I love the Internet.

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