Wednesday, April 26, 2006

School's out for summer

I'm quickly adjusting to my new reality, which is, I don't have a corporate job -- but I still have a job. This job actually has longer hours, no pay but is satisfying is so many new ways. I still hate to do laundry, but folding one or two loads, compared with the previous weekend five loads, is a fair compromise.

There are still a few things that will require some adjustment. For example, one of my co-workers licks his butt and gives me mean looks.

My cubicle is revolutionary. I would recommend that the yet-to-be-named large tax prepartion company consider these instead of the insuffurable cubicle-pods they are putting in their new facility.

And the dress code is ... well, you can see for yourself.

But on the bright side, I did get a high-five today for peeing on the potty and I had peanut butter toast with bananas for lunch. Things are looking up!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hi Michelle,
Dawn was telling me about your blog and I have to admit, it is great! I'm going to have to keep reading this one. Best wishes to you on your career/job search.