Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Keeping it in the family

I love to discover new blogs. I could spend inordinate amounts of time surfing from one blog to the next -- reading and laughing, critiquing language skills.

I especially enjoy bloggers that have a sense of humor. I try to keep my blog short, fun and flippiant, much like myself. I perfected my style by writing for the web, which was my former job before joining the glorious saint-hood of stay-at-home motherdome.

I was extra pleased to learn that my newly acquired brother-in-law has decided to start a blog. He sent me the link to his first entry last night. I laughed out loud. I love that.

The best part is that I know my sister, so when he writes about all of her little quirks and idiosyncrises -- some of which she and I share -- I can laugh and remember what it was like to grow up with her. She lives four hours away and I miss her, so it's nice to share something.

Check out the newest blogger in the family. Be warned: If you are offended by words such as cock, lube or PT Cruiser, this is not the blog for you.

And if you are offended by such words, why the fuck are you reading my blog?

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