She eschewed them all. And instead bought him a frog.
That's right, a frog. A small, green, pee-squirting, bug-eating, midnight croaking frog. Specifically a leptopelis vermiculatus, or a big-eyed tree frog. And not just the frog, but also a small container of about 25 crickets, whose care and feeding is also now my problem, to be distributed to the frog twice daily.
I. was. pissed.
Let's start with the obvious. The child is four. He can't wipe his own butt very well yet. He has trouble putting a shirt over his giant head. Who the hell thinks he can care for any living thing, let alone a slimy, jumping frog that he adamently refuses to touch? That means, it's my responsibility.
I also think it's extremely presumptious to purchase a pet for someone else's kid. We have very strict pet requirements. We're busy people so we don't have a pet that requres constant care and attention, such as our old crabby cat. And as much as the ball of fire would love a dog, he's a rough and tumble kind of boy. I fear for the dog's safety.
And then there is Toby, the evil. He's fascinated with the frog, which is unusual c
onsidering he hates everything and everyone.

Yesterday, I found him crouched over the frog's container, which he had knocked to the floor, the door was open and the frog was perched on the edge looking toward freedom. The were both still, almost in a mexican standoff, waiting for the other to make the first move.
For a moment, I hesitated as well. I could close the door and let this play out. If I know my cat, which I do, the frog would be dead by sundown. Hesitated. Would the ball of fire even notice?
I rescued the frog. Knowing my luck, it would poison the cat and I'd have to put them both down.
But I did call Petco and they agreed that a rainforest tree frog was not an ideal gift for a four-year-old and they've offered to place him in another home -- free of charge.
My sister-in-law has a 16-year-old daughter who has a very attached boyfriend. I think for her birthday this year, I'm buying her a box of condoms, a tube of Astroglide and a nice butterfly vibrator and extend the offer to answer any "questions" she might have.
Yeah, that's right, bitch. Mess with me, and I'll get your teenage daughter laid. That's how I roll.
You should also offer to accompany her to the local clinic to get her first pelvic exam and some birth control pills. For an added bonus offer to get her vaccinated for HPV...
LOL. =)
Or you could return kind-for-kind and get them a new addition to their family:
Be sure to get them a "baby" one. Nothing like "the gift that keeps on giving all year long". ;)
Pay back IS hell. =)
Now that's a good idea!
Think your brother could set me up with one of those? I'll just let it eat the frog and keep the cage for the snake!
Welschmeyer wants you to send her one of those...and I don't mean frogs.
My my....a frog! That is a terrible gift for a 4 year old! Seriously. She should of gotten him a marmot.
Get used to it, my sister-in-law routinely ignores my gift suggestions and accuses us of spoiling our children! Because we get them things they want!
I'll be looking forward to the blog about the niece's pregnancy and how she is now living with your family after being kicked out of the house.
Nice work.
She must have blew a lot of cash on that frog. You should go ahead and get her daughter The Liberator and some striptease lessons so that you won't appear cheap. Ooh, you could get her a gift certificate for an abortion clinic.
Blown. I changed sentence direction there and I never looked back. Until now.
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